Guille Vigil

Guille Vigil

Guille is a Platform Engineer focusing his professional path in cloud, infrastructure as code, Kubernetes and DevOps methodologies. He enjoys his personal life drinking beers with friends!

Distributed Load Testing with K6

What is Load Testing? Today, distributed systems are everywhere. When you open a mobile app, several servers are waiting for your interactions so they can send a response. When you interact with your bank via web, more servers are prepared to access your data and return information about your balance

ElasticSearch Data Migration in Kubernetes

Managing stateful applications in Kubernetes has a reputation for being difficult and tricky, but it doesn't have to be! Take a look at the options we tried first-hand at for migrating data with ElasticSearch.

Integrating Personio, GitHub & Google Workspace

Managing and protecting employee data in a company is critical. Automating user management (processes of adding, removing, and updating users for employees) helps this run even smoother. Human resources teams manage a company’s employees, but normally they lack knowledge about how to improve this user management process. This is