Image & Color Recognition: A Practical Example

We’ve all heard about Image Recognition and how it impacts our day-to-day activities. From the impressive automated driving software that some automobile companies have implemented in their vehicles, to the cool smartphone app that tells us what kind of(...)

Understanding Web Animation Performance

Over the past few years, we have seen the web platform evolve rapidly. Many JavaScript APIs, CSS properties, and native elements have been added. Frontend engineers are now able to build web apps that are extremely similar to traditional native applications. This paradigm shift, from writing documents to building apps,

APIs for Search Experience Experiments

Consider the Basics To create a memorable search experience for a certain set of products, one of the most important elements is the data to be shown. The information that shoppers receive regarding the different products available greatly impacts their decision whether or not to make a purchase. Of course,

Spellcheck in Elasticsearch

After working as a backend developer for several years, the opportunity arose for me to begin integrating features using Elasticsearch (version 7.17). Everything was going smoothly until it was time to take a deep dive into a new feature. Recently my team was asked to reach a milestone that

Session Contextualization

TL;DR Yes, there is a way to help shoppers find what they need, without tracking or collecting personal information. It’s called session contextualization and, here at, it is how we interpret shoppers’ interactions in an ecommerce store, in order to provide a delightful user experience. You

Collaborative Architecture Diagrams

Motivation Architecture diagrams should be visible to everyone in the company, as Trust is one of our principles here at Ensuring visibility would ensure we have a single source of truth where changes can be tracked and revisions can be made. It would also align Engineering, Growth, and

Distributed Load Testing with K6

What is Load Testing? Today, distributed systems are everywhere. When you open a mobile app, several servers are waiting for your interactions so they can send a response. When you interact with your bank via web, more servers are prepared to access your data and return information about your balance